Dominion -What does the word Dominion mean
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The Political (Nisan) & Internet (Sivan) system:
The word “dominion” means;
a domain that is in union (unity) with its hebraic godly moral laws (rules), moral ethical conduct, objectives, hebrew calendar,
capacity of mutual respect, servitude, and barter exchange.
To be subject to the dominion of a governor or king, a ruler or leader of a domain who is a servant who serves to reflect the levitical order of the God of Israel.
The son of God (Ben Elohim) who is serving with the aim of expressing the moral attributes of the Hebrew God.
The foot steps (Halakah) of the sons of God that trod the earthly realm to reflect God’s reality…
A domain that is in a sychronized and hormonized status, which enables it to function as one United ecosystem.
The territory of a sovereign or government that is dominated or governed by a governor or King.
2 Chronicles 13:5:
Should you not know that the Lord God of Israel gave the dominion over Israel to king David forever, to him and his sons, by a covenant of salt?
The one who has dominion is a governor who governs a domain or domains.
The Hebrew meaning of dominion:
In Hebrew the word “dominion” means to go down, to submit, to be sanctified and to sanctify others,
to humble one’s self, to be subordinate to the angelic order of heaven, to keep God’s Torah commandments…
The attribute of humilite that makes a person into a servant of God,
who is capable of mutual respect, mutual exchange, team work, relating, cooperating, being obedient,
so that his/her character of leadership may sanctify, and also gain the exchange capabilities it needs to be able to reach the fulness of its ability to govern, manage or to function as a governor.
The word “dominion” also means;
To turn the political colonies that are available in mother earth into provinces that serves the God of Israel.
The are four domains in the world that we live in:
Genesis 1:26:
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,
and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
The 1st domain is:
(The domain of humans)
Let us make man in our image…
who will live (dwell) in the earth, and also have dominion over the entire earthly domain.
The 2nd domain is:
(the sea – waters)
let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
The 3rd domain is: -.
Air – being the (frequency, energy, radiations, electromagnetic fields, radio waves etc)
… Let man have dominion over the birds of the air,
The 4th domain is:
(Land – animals, minerals, mountains, valleys, hills, agriculture)
and let man have dominion over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Go down to Egypt:
Genesis 46:3:
So He said, “I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt,
for I will make of you a great nation there.
Genesis 46:4: (picture of the rapture)
I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again;
and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes.”
Joseph goes down as a slave to Egypt, after being drawn out of the pit of jealousy where he was thrown by his brothers.
And in Egypt (Africa), he practiced obedience, learned submission,
he learned how the autonomous governance is structured,
He became a faithful and trustworthy servant,
And from that lower place of servetitude, he raised up into the office of becoming a governor with dominion.
On a psychological & spiritual level:
Hebrews 12:1-2:
The Race of Faith
12 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
2 looking unto Yeshua, the author and finisher of our faith.
The word “dominion” means to be in a state of humbleness, or to go under the cloud or covering of elders,
which enables a person’s soul to serve, to go down, to exchange,
to seek wise counsel, to gather one’s soul or spirit with the assembly of the patriarchs, eldes, (sages),
to utelize the wisdom and the knowledge of the elders and the patriarchs,
With the aim of governing a domain or a kingdom.
The Torah – (The manuscript of a governor who has dominion):
God gave the moral responsibilities, teachings and instructions of life to Israel via the Torah,
so that children of Israel may practice those moral principles of knowledge (in form of science),
which pertained to the governing and structuring of the domain of Israel.
The Knowledge which enables a person to have domain, is academically taught in via these 3 dimensions:
1: The Elders = one’s spiritual and ancestral lineage of tribal inheritance
2: The Patriarchs = One’s hebraic or biblical inheritance, which derives from the biblical patriarchs – beginning from Adam
3: The Sages = gained knowledge, enabling one’s soul to attain its spiritual inheritance via lineage of the oral law of its ancient teachers,
beginning from the era of the destruction of the 2nd temple…
Hebrew month – Nisan – Sivan
Article written by Apostle Ngabo