Designing Anti Virus against intruders (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Jude 4:
Intruders have crept in unnoticed among us, men driven by selfish greed,
liken unto (Korah, Balaam, the doctrine of Nicolaitans), men with perverted habits, evil agenda and unrighteous deeds….
We specialise in:
Designing of Anti-virus against intruders, and those who are trying to hinder our teamwork and programs from manifesting, or achieving their goals:
Such risk zones (interferences) of hackers are dealt with via our board (members of the team) who will be working (praying, researching,
exploiting biblical truth, agreeing) on the art of implementing strategic methods of antivirus which will combat such issues.
on the level of community development:
Sensitization and cultivation of moral, ethical conduct, and spiritual convictions of God’s truth (menu of life) are initiated via prayer, mindset media academic programs, etc,
so that the laws which protect our godly human morals, attributes, and living standards in our provinces may be put into force by our government officials, community leaders, etc…
Our rules and regulations are subject to the adjustments that will occur due to the implementation of new formulas that will be aimed at rendering useless the hackers,
blockers, and intruders who are oriented toward the desire of wanting to sabotage our programs.
There are two types of hackers or blockers:
Foreign hackers and local hackers…
Foreign hackers;
Foreign hackers are the type of viruses that try to hack the system via the interest of sustaining their foreign greed,
envy, jealousy, competitive attitude, racism, antisemitism, tribalism, covetousness, the mindset of colonialism,
the threat of fearing to see Africa (the black man) return back into the Godly mission that God destined for it (him),
and the foreign settlers who lack mutual respect and concern about a land that is not of their native descent.
Local hackers:
Local hackers (viruses) are the type of emotional (criminal mindset, bad upbringing, lack of authentic father role model, single mother upbringing,
too much extreme feminism imparted in one’s life, lack of positive cultural responsibility) that (cultivated) a person’s environmental, homemaking, and social lifestyle,
which eventually turns into a psychological disorder and hormonal dysfunctional status of negative behaviors containing narcissistic genetics.
And such negative behaviors can turn into viruses which can negatively affect the programs that enhance the quality of the community, and cultural and economic development.
Author: Apostle Ngabo
Teacher & founder of the Visionary School (of Leaders), & he is the Spear header & Founder of Mindset Media Agency
About Author
Apostle Ngabo
Teacher & founder of the Visionary School (of Leaders), & he is the Spear header & Founder of Mindset Media Agency