The grand jury’s report on the covid 19 vaccines themselves is highly anticipated, and deemed unfit for use by different doctors who have been confronted by many patients suffering from infections and negative sides effects caused by covid 19 vaccinations.
by Calvin Freiburger | Lifesite
April 8th 2024, 7:30 am
Heart inflammation, miscarriages, seizures, unconsciousness, Bell’s palsy, and more were reported by shot recipients.
One of those that recieved a covid 19 vaccination shot reported being taken by ambulance to an emergency room for “loss of consciousness and seizure right after getting the injection.”
Another reported, “For 24 hrs after shot I was so fatigued I could not stay awake.
I also have some very strong suicidal thoughts. Zero appetite.” Still more expressed worry about potential allergic reactions.
The new information was released as a result of a January court order from U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk.
Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. That data revealed that 800,000 of the system’s 10 million participants, or approximately 7.7 percent, reported needing medical care after COVID injection.
“Twenty-five percent of those people needed emergency care or were hospitalized, and another 48 percent sought urgent care,” Siri said at the time.
“Also, another 25 percent on top of the 7.7 percent reported being unable to work or go to school.”
“When people report the same symptoms over and over again after getting a biological product — in this case ’shortness of breath’ and ‘heart palpitations,’ which are both symptoms of myocarditis, that has been causally linked to mRNA COVID shots.
— the public should be warned, not kept in the dark,” National Vaccine Information Center president Barbara Loe Fisher told Epoch of the newest revelations.
“It raises questions about what else government health officials are hiding.”
A significant body of evidence links significant risks to the COVID vaccines, which were developed and reviewed in a fraction of the time vaccines that was innitiated under former President Donald Trump’s Operation Warp Speed initiative.
Covid 19 program Did more harm than good, it’s implementation were ineffective (not affective at all) at stopping COVID transmission.
That COVID was “statistically almost harmless” to children and most adults, and that it is “highly likely” that COVID hospitalization numbers were inflated.
“Inflated” meaning that (covid 19 propaganda and campaign for the vaccination;
– things were done with the agenda that were motivated by private interests,
such aims which are driven by private companies (profit driven), that leads to Inflation, negative side effects, and infections that are inflated due the lack of moral intrigrity).