In the year 2023 has been the season when a lot of countries all over the world,
have faced a lot of climate damages (changes) and global warming which are caused by floods, volcanoes, wild fires, drought, extreme heat coming from the sun, water, food, electrity shortages etc.
We are in the 8TH MONTH called “CHESHVAN”on God’s calendar: Started on 2nd November & Ends on 1st DECEMBER 2024
What causes climate changes, global warming?
The extreme corruption in our trading system, human trafficking, human suffering, cutting of trees,
running of factories that spreads (emits) chemical pollution, inflation, burning of materials that contains toxic chemicals,
bad waste management, pollination that comes from genetic modified organisms (or farming of genetic modified plants).
– The practicing of divination, horoscope, witchcraft, and jealousy affects negatively and perverts our astrological system which leads to climate pollution.
– Practices of political injustice exercised via descrimination, racism, antisemitism, the ligalizing of democratical laws that violates other people’s human rights, sexual misconduct of prostitution, tribal wars, homosexuality,
festivals that promotes drug trafficking, alcohol, child abuse, rape, usage of synthetic (genetic modified organisms) form of manipulating seeds and land, crime etc.
What is the solution?
We need to increase;
The practicing of the right governement policies, ethical moral conduct, positive cultural, and social (norms) of mutual exchange (social economics),
mutual respect, reconciliation and forgiveness, implimented and integrated into our social, cultural, institutional, economical and educational system.
– The practicing of an agriculture organic system that enhances the natural (moral, organic) formula of farming,
fixing of our trade system, and the exercising of our spiritual attributes, positive godly morals,
which are able to put mother earth back into its organic environmental and hormonal balance that it needs to harmonize its climate,
and also increasing our acts of enabling mother earth to generate environmental energies that can contribute towards a positive global emissions (emiting of positive energies) via our moral human ethical conducts.