AV the 5th month on God’s calendar – (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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The 5th month on the Hebrew (God’s) calendar is called “Av“.
The Hebrew word “AV” on God’s calendar represents the religious system.
When does the 5th month on God’s calendar called “AV” fall according to the Gregorian Roman calendar?
July or August:
This month falls around the month of July or August (summertime).
The name “Av” literally means: “father.” It derives from the root which means “to will” or “to desire.”
The Hebrew letter Hei is assigned to this month, and it means: “to reveal,”.
So to say;
The spiritual vision of God will was revealed to the ancient fathers,
And through the lineage of the fathers it was passed down to the female,
and children via teaching, incarnating, fathership, mentorship, inheritance, genetic,s and DNA.
The Hebrew letter Hei also stands for the Divine Spirit or revelation of God.
(The transforming of the spiritual revelations,
or spiritual information into physical practices of religious rituals, observance of sacred rites and ceremonies etc).
Av the fifth month on the Hebrew calendar, also representing the five books of Moses being the book of;
(Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy),
that makes up the written Torah, which was the books handed down to Moses on Mount Sinia..
The very first religious rituals that pertain to this Hebrew month of “Av” were practiced by Adam.
From Adam, they were passed down to Noah,
Noah passed them down to Shem through the art of incarnation (Oral storytelling).
AND from Shem they were passed down to Abraham.
From Abraham they were passed down to Isaac, and from Isaac they went down to Jacob the father of the 12 sons,
The twelve sons of Jacob also became the 12 tribes of Israel (being the Jewish nation).
During the time of Moses, God used Moses to write down the Torah (divided up into two categories),
The 1st one is the writen “Torah”,
And the 2nd is the “Oral Law”.
The written Torah and the Oral law of the Torah evolved into the religion called Judaism.
Simeon belongs to the month of AV:
The month of Av (represents the son of Jacob called “Simeon” to whom the the Religious system was attributed),
And from the religion of Judaism came forth the religion of Islam, Christianity, hinduism, the Rastafarian religion called “the twelve tribes of Israel” etc.
Article written by Ap Ngabo Alex for conscious lifestyle
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