Autonomous governance
Apostle Ngabo
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Autonomy refers to one’s own self-governance,
or the structuring of a society using the moral code of laws which are designed according to the form of anarchism, and the authentic status a person.
Respect & mutual exchange:
Ancient societies and kingdoms of Cush used autonomous laws to barter-trade,
for mutual respect, the structuring of moral values that transpires respect, honor, servitude, and mutual exchange.
Indigenous people such as the Kuna people have used autonomous principles as their original governance.
In moral philosophy, autonomy refers to subjecting oneself to objective moral laws.
* To be governed by the moral laws which enhances creativity, productivity,
mutual respect, social development, transfering of cultural inheritance via cultural activities of exchange and conflict solving.
Election of positive leaders:
* To elect or to put in position, trust-worthy, faithful leaders, and positive role models that are living a lifestyle of moral structure in their society.
* This type of governance helped the different cultures to secure their ownership of their cultural inheritance,
to positively influence their ecosystem,
and to also avoid artificial and synthetic methods which leads to the corrupting of nature and environment.
Here are some of the practised principles that an autonomous society practised:
* There were cultural traits that hindered people from engaging into sexual intercourse when they are coming from the same blood line, and this was done to avoid inbreeding.
* Some principles elevated the moral values of good manners,
how to behave in a way which harmonizes the universe (Cosmic energies) and ecosystem in a positive way,
how to honour the parents from where the daughter who is going to be married off comes from.
* Some principles unfolded and taught about the laws of inheritance, name giving,
the preserving of cultural activities that prolongs life (food making, farming,
agriculture, Music, dance, theater which elevates, innovates and designed to cultivate positive moral habits in a society etc).
* Some principles dealt with the ownership of land, to whom it belongs, the passing down of land from the elders to the children, and why he owns it etc.
* some principle dealt with the order of the clans and tribes,
their order formulated in way which compliments and synchronized according to the 12 zodiac signs which makes up the circle of a year.
The Autonomous way of living was always subject to the adjusting of its principles,
incase if a principle (way of doing things) has come into its limited state,
cultural leaders were always willing to barter exchange, So that they may be able to overcome their weaknesses.
Prophetic information:
The only thing that needed upgrading in the autonomous governace which was observed by other Cultures,
was their calendars (most of them followed an astrological process which was contray to God’s plan),
The attitude of a good Samaritan:
And when ever the God of Israel’s plan of upgrading the cultural traits of a culture had come into its fruitful state,
these cultures with an Autonomous attitude were willing to upgrade their ways according to the spiritual requests of God’s plan.
From the year 2019, God is inspiring the whole entire Earth to follow the astrological design of His hebre calendar.
Colonialism opposing the art of autonomous governance:
During the time when Europe was colonising the different parts of the world,
many of those cultures or nations that used the autonomous laws of governance were stripped from their autonomous governance,
and in return they were forced into becoming a state that is controlled, colonized and ruled by executive (president).
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