Agriculture is the formula and culture of planting things (organisms, animism, spiritual concepts) via the actions of our behaviors, and our art of speech,
through which humans use to do the science of fashioning, farming (giving culture), ploughing, having sex, producing, teaching, educating, nurtuting, socializing, pollinating, and broadcasting information.
Genesis 1:28
Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth (with agricultural energies that makes it to bear fruit),
and SUBDUE it [take authority over the Nephilim attitude in things]; have DOMINION over the fish of the sea [Water transmitted elements],
over the birds of the air [radiations Frequencies travel in AIR], and over every living thing that moves on the earth [Land].”
Tools and methods that humans use to nurture, and perform the science of agriculture in mother Earth;
To be able make things grow, cultivate, incarnate, evolve, to pass on inheritance (legacy) from one generation to another, and to also make things to become useful (fruitful),
We as humans we use the agricultural methods like the Internet, ecosystem, sun light, moon light, environmental presence, nocturnal frequency, schools, social media, radio waves, televison frequencies, neighbours, the art of speech, farming, the selecting of sexual partners, having sex etc,
which humans practice so that they may communicate with each other, trade, relate, do marketing and exchange.
But also agriculture is the system through which we harvest (acknowledging the season of recieving),
and planting using the type of actions (intetions, agenda, and objectives), being the methods which humans utelizes as they exist (evolve, grow, develop, multiply, civilise, and economically upgrade) in mother earth…
I think you’ve heard of the parable that says;
What a man sows (plants, broadcasts via his speech, energies, behaviors, practices of having sexual intercourse, and actions),
that is what he will also harvest (recieve) during the season of harvesting (recieving blessings, or curses, judgement or justice).
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call heaven (universe) and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you lifeanddeath, blessing and cursing;
therefore choose (the agriculture) of life, that both you and your descendants may live to (inherite the culture of blessings and prolong your life);
Agriculture encompasses crop and livestock production, aquaculture, fisheries, sedentary civilisation, and forestry for food and non-food products, the science of acting out the behaviors that are able to inpregnant mother earth,
and in retaliation mother earth (earthly environment) also responds back by producing the type of productions, organisms, living things, energies, radiations, frequencies etc as a result called production.
Agriculture is the key in development;
which is used for civilisation, and the implementing of sustainable health lifestyle, farming of domesticated species, food supply, mechanisms of exchange in business, the usage of frequencies (Internet, radio, media) which disperses information that benefits a city.
If you want to know the heart and purpose of a city, then find out the type of agriculture which they use to sustain that city?:
To be able to use agriculture in a way which will benefit our society (social surrounding, and environment),
it all depends upon the organic agricultural methods of morality, Godly values, positive culture, positive media, and the farming methods that we use to program our (sedentary social activities) in the cities.
Sedentary social activities done with the aim (intetion) of generating peace, divine health, harmony, unity, team work, Godly marriages encouraged via the order (protocol, laws, policies) that makes up a community,
– the industrial products, moral behaviors that pollinates, scatters good energies which adds value to life,
– the energies of positive influence which are consumed, exchanged, traded, educated, and practiced in the city becomes the type of agriculture that sustains that city.
Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops, and raising livestock.
It includes the preparation of plant and animal products for people to use and their distribution to markets.
Agriculture provides most of the world’s food, raw material, human resources, and fabrics.
In the past, many thousands of years ago, our ancestors were mostly nomadic, and farmers.
The next stage was the sedentary lifestyle, when man learned to grow plants and raise livestock, he also needed to distribute, share and trade via sedentary means…
Agriculture has been a key factor in converting from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one.