40 years in the wilderness – What’s the meaning?
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On the 7th day of Passover –
After the children of Israel had finished crossing the red sea,
they entered into the wilderness desert) to be tempted (tested, qualified or disqualified).
In the wilderness they engaged into –
The acts of practicing and exercising of their obedience via the keeping of God’s commandments,
which enabled them to exercise their faith in God, and also practicalize or materialise it),
a period of time that took them 40 years.
Satan Tempts Yeshua:
Matthew 4:1
Then Yeshua was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.
Mark 1:13
And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan,
and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.
– In the wilderness they learnt how to eat healthy (ate manna – the food of the angels),
and they had to cut out the eating of meat, and the foods that could affect their insulin, dopamine and body in a negative way.
– In the wilderness they were covered by a cloud by day time,
and a pillar of fire by night = (presence of their ancestors, gathering of witnesses leading them).
when the cloud moved they moved when it stayed they stayed…
– In the wilderness they were taught how to keep the Shabbat (7th day) holy,
and through the Shabbat the God of Israel also sanctified them via their obedience.
– In the wilderness they learnt how to live according to their levitical order,
and the keeping of the holy seasons and months of God on the Hebrew calendar.
The word to tempted or temptation means;
To test someone with the aim of finding out if the person can defriciate from bad or good,
from clean or unclean, from holy or unholy, evil or righteous, from the devil or God.
And as the person is being tested;
the question is;
what is the result of his/her actions, decisions and behaviors,
or character, as he or she goes through the temptation?
Does the person behave like God’s image during the times of pressure, peer preaure, (temptation or testing),
Or does he/she act like the devil?
Godly (good – moral) behaviors =
lead to peace, joy, kindness, intimacy with God, godly reward, Revelation etc..
Devilish (evil- immoral) behaviors =
lead to torment, stress, unforgiveness, distress, chaos, confusions, immune disorder, bitterness,
desolation, spiritual leprosy, death, insulin that causes extreme emotionalism,
the sharing of evil report (gossip) that leads to self destructive effects, diabetes, stress, evil reward etc…
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