2019 to 2021 – time of Interregnum, & Year 2022 marks a new beginning – putting New leadership in office in the entire earth
Apostle Ngabo
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2019 when Covid 19 commenced;
that was also the time when the entire world went into a time known as “interregnum“,
which initiated the state of emergency that introduced curfews, limiting of people’s movements, locking down cities etc.
Year 2019 was the end of the era of the 7 princes (dragon with the seven heads in as writen in Rev 17:7 & Rev 17:3),
which ruled and controlled the universe until then ( 2019), being also the completion (expiry date) of the 400 years of slavery.
A period of 3 years counting from 2019 to 2022:
From 2019 to the year 2022 we had three years period of time which is mentioned in book of Esther 1:3.
Esther 1:3:
that in the third year of his reign he made a feast for all his officials and servants—the powers of Persia and Media,
The beginng of 2022 (which marked the 3rd year of covid 19), that also became the time frame that marked the finishing point of covid 19 lockdowns.
On the other side of the coin;
January 2022 commenced the beginning of the new order of leadership,
which ushered in the new elected governorship of the seven princes of the God of the Hebrews.
In Uganda;
Year 2022, being the 3rd year of Covid 19, began with the announcement of declaring that the lockdown of covid 19 was over – announced by the president of Uganda.
The announcement that announced the end of covid 19 lockdown activated the spirit of feasting and rejoicing which is mentioned in the book of Esther 1:5-8
Remember that;
when this new type of leadership comes into play, election or office
There is also the act of cleaning house, and getting rid of Vashti, the arrogant type of gentile woman,
(being the judgement executed against the immoral woman sitting on the dragon with 7 heads Rev 17:7 ).
Year 2022 – is The year of electing of a new female (Esther) & putting her into leadership:
Year 2022 is also the time of looking for, and searching for a woman liken unto Esther’s character or Ruth, (read the book of Ruth & Esther),
who will be able to help, administrate, manage and serve in humbleness under God’s male leadership that came into office of leadership beginning in the year 2022 in the month of January.
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