The Miracles that took place on Passover & Nisan – CMM
The 1st month called “Nisan” on God’s calendar, roots or derives from the word called “Nes“.
This Hebrew word called “Nes” means Miracles.
Here below are the Miracles that have taken place in the month of Nisan Passover – time (falling around March/April).
Miracles that took place in the month of Nisan (when we celebrate Passover):
1: Building of the Tabernacle of Moses:
Exodus 40:1-2:
The tabernacle of Moses (obedience) was finished and also set up in the month of Nisan (New moon – the beginning) of Nisan
2: Peter delivered from prison:
Acts 12:3-9:
Peter is delivered from prison by the Angel of God on Passover.
3: Blood pleaded on their doorposts:
Exodus 12:23:
3: The obedience of the children of Israel was given as an offering} to God of Israel,
(pleaded the blood of protection over their door POSTS),
and Hashem protected them from the Spirit death,
which destroyed every first male born of Egypt..
4: Hannah’s prayer:
1Samuel 1:1-20:
Hannah’s prayer & offering was answered on Passover.
5: The destruction of the walls:
The Jericho walls were destroyed in Nissan (Passover)
6: Judas Iscariot dies:
6: Judas Iscariot – (the lover of money) committed suicide during the month of Nisan (Passover)
7: After 40 years – Israel reaches Gilgal
Joshua 5:9-14:
7: God (Hashem) puts away the garment of reproach from the children of Israel on Passover (Nisan),
When they reached Gilgal on the 40th year.
8: Miracle of multiplying the loaves of bread:
8: The miracle of multiplying the 5 loaves and two fish into a meal,
that fed 5 thousand people was done on Passover by Yeshua Hamashiac…
9: Gideon’s miracle of winning the war:
Gideon’s victory that he warn against God’s enemies,
as it was described in his dream, that victory came unto him during the season of Passover…
10: Genesis 19:1-3: – The destruction of Sodom:
Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed during the seven days of Passover (feast of unleavened bread).
11: An Angel that fights for Israel is given to Israel:
Joshua 5:10: – Joshua 5:13-14:
God gave the angel (the commander and chief in war) during the season of Passover
12: Restoration of the Spiritual father figure:
Exodus 12:1-27
The father’s responsibility on the spiritual, moral, accountability, and household level is restored into the male gender who brings a Passover offering
On the 7th day of Passover; the miracle of crossing the sea took place,
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