Children’s Corner – Involve yourself in your children’s interests
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Find out what type of activities your children are interested in,
Inspire them to have hobbies, etc….
Encourage your children to have positive interests,
Especially in the area of cultural activities like; dancing, singing, athletics,
instrument playing, games, food cooking, swimming, positive moral type of scouting, etc.
And support them to cultivate those interests into maturity by helping them to join the positive clubs in your community that can train, coach,
and become positive role models or help that will help them to aim at the achievement of those interests.
Why is it important?
These cultural activities teach them discipline, teamwork, to put away their selfish ambitions,
And instead aim at the planning, goal setting, and training hard so that one may achieve the best outcome from his or her interest.
On a psychological level:
When children are idle, having nothing to do in their free time,
they become vulnerable to predators and negative behaviors (bad manners) coming from the friendships that are negative in attitude and traits.
Children who have not had cultural interests to help them mold their capacity for decision making,
goal setting according to the positive activities of their interests,
They become psychologically affected in a way that;
they will require their close relationships (life) to give them or nurture their negative traits of narcissism,
undisciplined attitudes, emotional traits of tantrum, and selfish ambitions.
On the other hand;
A child who has grown up in an environment that got him,
or her participating in the act of carrying out the positive cultural activities of his or her interests,
that child’s life becomes easier to mold, and receptacle in the area of setting positive goals,
it becomes easier to discuss positive plans for their future and they will maintain a disciplined attitude through the process, because of the mental training that they gained.
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