The Sun – radiation energy giver – know yrself
The sun is a satellite which is the main energy giver,
(supplying radiations, sun rays of energy in form of light) into the entire universe.
On a kabalistic and spiritual level,
the sun represents the male figure or male gender.
What does the Sun represent – Toward the people who serve God?
On a kabalistic and spiritual level, the sun represents the male figure or gender (bridegroom – Yeshua) and God’s tabernacle.
Psalm 19:4-5:
4 Their line has gone out through all the earth, And their words to the end of the world.
In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun,
5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man to run its race.
The lights in the universe are there to broadcast God’s signs, times, days & calendar:
Genesis 1:14:
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years;
God’s rulership, governorship, dominion & leadership transmitted via the sun rays:
Genesis 1:16:
Then God made two great lights: the greater light (the sun) to rule the day,
and the lesser light (the moon) to rule the night. He made the stars also.
Toward the people who serve God:
To those who are obedient to God’s commandments, the light (radiation) of the sun becomes a reflection of God’s healing.
Malachi 4:2:
But to you who fear My name, The Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings;
And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
Numbers 2:3:
On the east side, toward the rising of the sun, those of the standard of the forces with Judah shall camp according to their armies;
and Nahshon the son of Amminadab shall be the leader of the children of Judah.”
Isaiah 58:8:
Then your light shall break forth like the morning, Your healing shall spring forth speedily,
And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.
Through the sun,
the positive human expressions of morality and prayer are released in a form of energies by the sun into the earth,
As the sun’s radiations are beaming these energies into the earth,
the prophetic and spiritual energies which are expressed through prayer,
and the righteous deeds of God’s people,
these expressed (good deeds of prayers, intimacy, prophetic utterances),
has the ability to give energy to all living organisms (animism, Jinni, Genetic, soul, Spirit, etc),
And via the sun,
these energies are transmitted into the state of moving towards their target,
and also affecting their target via the light of the sun.
The sun is also responsible for transmitting energies which can cause chemical reactions,
generate and improve the radiations or frequencies we use in communication,
the transformation of the genetic sequence, and the cause of metabolism in the human body.
On a spiritual and cabalistic level:
Psalm 136:8:
The sun to rule by day, For His mercy endures forever
The light of the sun can be used to expose God’s judgments,
leadership, kingship, convictions, spiritual decisions, and protocol,
Bringing it from the heavenly realm via the prophetic prayers of the righteous and deeds of God’s Sadiq,
and transmitting it into the physical realm (human conscious, emotions,
ovary, Mindset, dream realm, desires, mother earth),
using the light of the sun…
The sun is the male figure that gives the radiations, or the genetic structure of the fruit,
and the moon is the female figure that produces or incubates the fruits:
Deuteronomy 33:14:
With the precious fruits of the sun, With the precious produce of the months (moon),
Diseases caused by the radiation of the Sun:
Towards those who are evil;
The light and radiation of the sun can cause mutation, which can lead to the generating of deadly viruses.
Law of attraction :
The chemistry of the law of attraction intensifies during the hot seasons of summer or sunshine.
As the light of the sun is giving its light unto the earth,
The chemical reactions that stimulate human chemistry which is related to the passions, desires,
cultivated traits of culture, sensual desires, dreams, fantasies, erotic desires of one’s psychological state,
Begin to metabolize into the state of attracting the people with the same interests,
drawing them into the status of coming together, so that they may know each other or share their knowledge with each other…
The sun’s effect – Towards the wicked:
Exodus 22:3:
If the sun has risen on him, there shall be guilt for his bloodshed.
He should make full restitution;
if he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.
Justice must be done under the Sun:
Numbers 25:4:
Then the Lord said to Moses,
“Take all the leaders of the people and hang the offenders before the Lord, out in the sun,
that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from Israel.”
Psalm 121:6-7:
6 The sun shall not strike you by day,
Nor the moon by night.
To the Immoral and rebellious attitude towards God commandments,
To such people, the light of the sun will become the transmissions of God’s punishments, conviction, judgment,
and execution of God’s wrath toward the evil people.
Preserving the good from the evil, and God’s wrath that is transmitted via the sun:
Psalm 121:7:
7 The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul,
As the sun sets or goes down, that means we are entering or shift into another day:
Genesis 1:5:
God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night.
So the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:8:
And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.
Genesis 1:13:
So the evening and the morning were the third day.
Exodus 22:26:
If you ever take your neighbor’s garment as a pledge, you shall return it to him before the sun goes down.
Deuteronomy 24:13:
You shall, in any case, return the pledge to him again when the sun goes down,
that he may sleep in his own garment and bless you; and it shall be righteousness to you before the Lord your God.
Do not shift into a new day,
(or do not let the sun go down) on your grudges that comes from the previous day:
Ephesians 4:26:
26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,
Fulfil your duties under the sun, so as the sun sets or goes down,
the people you are responsible for, may enter into their evening or night blessing your existence orally and emotionally.
Deuteronomy 24:15:
Each day you shall give him his wages, and not let the sun go down on it,
for he is poor and has set his heart on it; lest he cry out against you to the Lord, and it be sin to you.
Hebrew month – Tamuz – Sivan – Nisan
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