What is Happiness, & how do I achieve it?
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True happiness vs Fake happiness
True happiness is achieved by making the lives of the people that surround us better or find a positive meaning.
Happiness is concealed in the good deeds we do for others.
The more good one does, the happier that person becomes.
His Land Lord was about to throw him out, and I helped him to pay his rent, that is why am happy.
He could not pay his hospital bill, and we paid it for him, that is why am happy.
True happiness is achieved by the good deeds we do to help others live a better life.
Fake happiness:
Fake happiness, I also call it artificial happiness, is when people pursue after riches, money, fame, and sex, so that they may be happy.
People get addicted to drugs, get drag prescriptions from pharmaceutical doctors with the aim of getting happy.,
but these same people end up messing up their lives because the happiness they were Pursuing after was nonexistent and false.
Have you ever tried to be happy when you have people who are suffering, crying of pain, living in poverty, and mistreated of injustice around you?
It’s nearly impossible:
Let us do more good, so that we may attain our true happiness…
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