Scorpio is the Zodiac sign of Tamuz
Apostle Ngabo
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The Scorpion zodiac sign represents the fourth month called Tamuz on the Hebrew calendar.
This month falls in summertime around the month of June or July.
The word Hebrew word “akrav” (meaning scorpio) derives from the word “akev” heel, and as the words of Torah state:
(Genesis 3:15).
“And I will put enmity between thee (the snake),
and the woman, and between thy seed (Nimrod),
and her seed (Jewish nation where Yeshua Hamashiach the messiah derives from).
It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel. ” (Genesis 3:15).
The bitings of the scorpions or serpents (snakes) are compared to the negative stimuli that stimulates the false accusations, negative suspicions,
temptations, disagreement, enchantments of divinations, Antisemitism, witchcraft, and the astrology
which confronted Israel during this season of summer Time (month of Tamuz).
See to it that you don’t fall in these negative snares and traps of this month:
And due to these facts, and negative incidents which occur during this month of Tamuz – (falling in the hottest season of summer),
thus the month became a time of confronting the negative energies of false accusations, offense, doubt,
the spiritual fighting of one’s faith in Hashem (God) via the art of using the mediums of witchcraft,
negative radiations, casting spells of unbelief, casting of spells that plagues the heart,
out bursts of anger, disappointment, frustration, and the astrology,
time of trying to criminalize, to bring charges of penalty and enmity against one’s life.
Forgiveness is important during this season:
Tamuz is a month of practicing the art of forgiveness due to the fact that this month has a lot of spiritual conflicts,
and forgiveness helps a person’s heart to maintain the healthy heartbeat that enables one’s life to live beyond these conflicts of Tamuz.
Separating the children of light from the children of darkness:
Genesis 1:4:
And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
Acts 26:18:
to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light,
and from the power of Satan to God,
that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’
Simply meaning that;
God put division (enmity, wall of division, separation, sanctified the children of light,
justifying them via His mercies, forgiveness,
and rewarding them for their good deeds, humbleness, prayers,
While the wicked were being condemned, disqualified,
(brought under judgement) because of their arrogance, evil deeds, disobedience towards God’s commandments, self pride, etc.
To the Female genda:
Tamuz is the symbolic sign when the female gender (ovaries, desires, sensual emotions, intimate prayers, Teshuvah, forgiveness, repentance)
which are totally surrenderd to Hashem (God’s) mission for Tamuz,
Transform into a form of spiritual confidence, boldness,
evironmental energy that can spiritually mother, bless,
and nurture the negative forms of energy into their positive spiritual, scientific and natural status.
But on the other hand;
this also becomes the month of finding effective solutions on how to solve,
and convert such negative attacks against one’s life.
The astrological sign tradition signifying Greece.
It is an ominous sign, for, according to legend,
those persons whose sins were found in the month of Tishrei to outweigh their good deeds are punished now by being sent to the nether regions,
where serpents and scorpions abound.
If we want to stretch a point, however,
we can find a more comforting legend for the sign of Scorpio,
which is that all the time the Temple stood in Jerusalem, not one person in Jerusalem was harmed by a scorpion!
Because when the temple stood, Israel was fully emerged into the obedience, and the keeping of God’s seasons on His calendar etc,
And these acts of righteous deeds kept them safe from the evil judgements that are symbolised by the sign of scorpio.
The bible says in Luke 10:19,
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Article written by Ap Ngabo Alex, some of the commentary signifying Greece and Hebrew word “akrav” is taken from the Jewish literature.
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