1- Church – WHAT IS CHURCH?- (and its role in community development) … – (Mindset Media)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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1: Church – 2: Organization, 3: Non profitable 4: Social enterprise, 5: Shareholding company
1: Church =
A church is leadership of God’s order (Hospital, protocol) that God uses to AID someone’s character (genetic structure), enabling it to forgive, to return back to its moral responsibilities, Godly attributes,
and biblical commandments (remedies, devotions, prescriptions) which are contained, sustained, and maintained in the path of God’s TRUTH.
Revelation 2:7
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the TREE OF LIFE (Tree bringing forth 12 monthly fruits), which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” ’
To convert the emotional support into its capacity of giving it its moral culture (cultivating), innovating, inspiring, educating, training, coaching, mentoring, and imparting Godly character into the spiritual, psychological status, Mindset, and inside world of someone….
CHURCH is a place where the human behaviors plays their role of covenanting with God’s will (commandments, obedience, Faith, cloud of Covering),- obligating themeselves to the fulfilment of the PRINCIPLES of ;
– Tithing
– Bible studying
– Connecting to God via the art of prayer
– Keeping God’s Commandmnets
– Giving one’s offerings
– Giving of one’s firstfruits
– Giving of one’s first born (that which opens up the womb) …
– Doing church activities in seasons, times, months, fulfilling obedience etc,
which reflects God’s the Hebraic calendar, Spirit of FAITH, the Vison of Heaven, God’s commandments, and Holy Shabbatical Seasons of the God of Israel.
Let US MAKE man in Our image…
CHURCH is the gathering of souls via the collective intentions of wanting to MAKE physical things, habitions, environments, communities, families, marriages, radiating energies, agricultural energies etc,
that will reflect what their God commands them to DO and BE via His SPIRIT, Seasons, Hebraic Calendar, and Torah commandments (mitzvah).
God’s Army, security and Military defence:
Church is the obedience, and the discipline of exercising, and the gaining of the spiritual identity of a PRAYER WARRIOR that fights the SPIRITUAL BATTLES (does prayer intercessions) for the God of Israel,
Which renders powerless the rebelliuos attitude of the Seven nations, and also liberates the SEVEN churches (seven women, 7 Continents) from their spiritual, demonic, emotional and Satanic control…
Being in Church is the psychological status of attending of an education system of theory, and practicals that perttains to God’s will for man.
(The practicing of one’s Godly attributes, ability to obey, and converting one’s emotions (extreme feminism) into morality, ethical conduct, business (exchanging) scales of honesty, Hebraic form of home making) etc,
which enables a person to carry out the activities that are done with the aim of restoring divine health of one’s life, righteous deeds of holiness [levitical order], and the relationship between Man and God.
Life in God’s Garden (God’s location for man):
Genesis 2:8:
The Lord God planted a garden east-ward in Eden (paradise), and there He put the man whom He had formed.
Isaiah 4:5
then the Lord will create above every dwelling (home, family) place of Mount Zion, and above her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day and the shining of a flaming fire by night.
For over all the glory there will be a covering.
Exodus 25:8:
8 And let them [My church, My people] Make Me a sanctuary (Tabernacle Miskan), so that My Prresence (tree of Life with 12 fruits – Revelation 22:1-3), and the Shekinah heavenly Bride from Heaven (Rev 21:1-27) ,
May dwell (Tabernacle) among them…
1 Corinthians 12:28
And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues, Ministries….
1 Corinthians 12:4:
4 There are diversities of gifts (talents) but the same Spirit. 5 There are differences of Ministries, but the same Lord.
Church is a place which contains an environment of agriculture (Cloud of covering, atmospheric presence, Holy Spirit, God’s Shekinah, Revelation, Edenic Glory),
which plays the role of nurturing, teaching, incarnating, parenting, convicting, mentoring, praying, influencing all the activities of exchange that are done in mother earth,
and also fulfilling the ministry of imparting the habitual scheduled seasons of God’s Shabbats, months, full moon and new moons).
The church uses God’s seasons (presence, Holy Spirit) in its formular of appointed times that cultivates the human attributes of obedience, hebriac mindset, services and faithfulness,
depositing them into one’s life (Spirit, Soul, psychological Mindset, genetics, and Body).
The church is the place with God’s leadership which does the distribution of ministerial responsibilities (anointing, mantles, building capacity, vocational skills, talents, imparting of the butchelor’s degree,
playing the role of fathering, and ordaining) of its members according to the order, and one’s gender (Male, or Female gender).
And all that writen above is done, with the aim that one may attain, reposses and take back his [male Godly reaponsibility],
so that [he] may reflect it into the female status of submison – Eretz, womb, mother earth].
Church is the status of regaining the mindset, obedience and indentity (nephilim) of accountability, heritage, ethical conduct, domain, kingdom of God, and blessings, which were lost via the generational evil deeds of SIN.
Via the LEVEl known as “church”, we shall have courses and classes containing:
– The Hebraic formular of Home making.
– Levitical order
– Sustainable innovation
– 12 steps of rehabilitation
– Seek to become better, transform and reach your visualized goals…
January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..