Year 2021; Donald Trump lost the election, & Joe Biden got Elected, WHY?.. – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Donald Trump was supposed to be Elected back into the presidential office in the White House, according to the voting, and election done by the American citizines in 2021,
But because Donald Trump’s way of speaking and doing things were not fully under control, showing the psychological response, and vocal (utterances) of disagreement against the Globalists agenda,
this affected his chances of returning back into the white House.
The plan and agenda of the Globalists:
The plans of introducing the mark of the beast (New world order) and the implanting of the microchip (666) in the human skin,
– The plans of taking over Africa, its minerals, resources, and human resources etc, seemed to be failing, (the globalists failing to meet their intended goals),
because of Donald Trump’s unrestrained declarations which seemed to be in opposition against the globalist’s agenda…
During his presidential rule;
Donald Trump Declared Statements like;
Jerusalem is the capital city of Israel, declared in 2018 in the month of December,
Giving churches the right to come together and pray, during the season of covid 19 lock down etc..
These statements, and decisions which did not comply with the plans of the Globalists agenda,
made Donald Trump’s presence unpopular and unwanted by the global elites, whose plans was to use him to do the contrary…
Joe Biden elected as president, and Donald Trump rejected by the Globalists:
In Janaury 20th 2021;
The agenda why Joe Biden was put into office (white house) as a president of USA,
was to unleash hell over the earth, to allow homosexuality, lesbianism to take its lead and driving sit in America.
– The giving of more support to the status of extreme feminism, divorce, and the frustrating of Godly marriages,
so that the situation may lead to the hormonal imbalance in women, single mother weaknesses exaggerated in communities, criminal traits generated among the youth, drug addictions etc…
Joe Biden’s presidential office;
– Aiming at the cultivating of the agenda of introducing the covid 19 vaccination to the world, especially the region of Africa that was about to enter into its 400 years in the year 2019..
– The unleashing of the spirit of terrorism (terror), the opening up of the boarders of America, and Europe,
so that they may welcome the angry and revengful mob of refugees coming from the Islamic region (Middle east) –
All that chaos was planned by the Globalists, so that they may be put into motion chaotic energies of confusion, division, conflicts,
distress, disunity, political groups which are in opposition against each other, financial crisis, terrorism, biological warfare etc,
using Joe Biden’s (presidential office) as the distribution center for such chaos…
Call for Prayer:
2021 God called for the ministry of prayer, and God says;
Let My people raise up from theie slumber and start to pray for their political leaders, repent for the sins commited in the land,
with the aim of converting evil, into good deeds that has the ability to develop communities…
God’s Seasons of Blessings!
January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..