Thundering, Lightening, Raining; All happening at once- What does it mean?- (Mindset Media)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Revelation 4:5:
And from the throne proceeded lightnings, thunderings, and voices.
Seven lamps of fire were burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
When you hear thunder, see the flashing lights of lightenings, and rain falling; all happening simonteniously’
this means that the spiritual presence of God will be electrifying, empowering, equiping, increasing the voltage,
and improving the effectiveness of the radiating energies which we use in radio, internet, television, communication, electricity etc.
Revelation 8:5:
Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.
The incident of lightening, thundering, and raining also plays the role of charging the earthly energies,
which are contained in the cosmos (universe, constellations), and earthy environment.
Some times;
Such experiences might begin with wind blowing (because the word “wind” roots from the Hebrew word called “Ruach”,
which means God’s Spirit, God’s breath, or God’s presence that deals with the art of science;
God’s breath wind or spirit (mixing with the earthly, and universal environment for the sake of upgrading, improving,
and innovation the radiating energies that makes up our environment, and energies of agriculture in mother earth…
On the negative side of the Coin;
when thunder, lightening, raining, and windy event occurs,
it can negatively affect the human status that is in the chemistry state of containing toxic chemicals, junk foods, alcohol, and mental and emotional stress…
Such victims who are holding unforgiveness, bitterness, vibrating on the negative frequency of stress, love of money, envy, benign envy, jealousy, selfishness etc,
when mother earth is going through the weather (improving of voltage via the electrical, and signals of radiation) caused by the lightening, thundering etc,
such weather (seasons) can cause high voltage electrical signals, seismic vibrations that can lead to earth quakes, destruction of buildings, causing cardiac arrest, sudden death etc.
So it is recommended to avoid genetic modified food with unhealth chemicals, consuption of alcohol,
being in a status emotional distress, depression, unforgiveness, anger, stress etc,
because those can become insulators that helps the electrical signals caused by lightening, thunder, and earth quakes to injure people who are in a bad body chemical status.
January, Februarylp, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..