The THREE WEEKS of mourning, repentance, and prayer fall in the 4th month called Tamuz (on God’s calendar), Beginning from the 17th of Tamuz, (which falls around June or July)
and they go into the 5th month called Av (finishes on the 9th of AV) on day called Tisha B’ AV – on the Hebrew, God’s calendar, (which falls around July or August).
Why are they called the 3 weeks of mourning?
This season has become a season in which the Nation of Israel (the Jewish nation) faces a lot of Antisemitism, terrorist attacks, and hatred.
The negative events which have happened against Israel during the season Between July to August:
The two temples in Jerusalem were destroyed during this season:
This season falls around the month of, June, July, and August (summer time),
being the month of Tammuz (Zodiac sign Scorpio), which starts the 3 weeks of mourning on the Hebrew Jewish calendar.
In history;
this was the same season when the walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans on the 17th of Tamuz in 69 CE.
And on the 9th of Av the first temple, and the second temple of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were destroyed.
Solomon’s and Herod’s temple destroyed:
The first temple which was built by King Solomon was destroyed by the Babylonians,
and the second temple which was built by King Herod was also destroyed by the Romans.
The negative incidents that have occurred during this season as :
This was also the same season when Moses came with the commandments of God from the mountain,
and found Israel worshiping the goldencalf under the sun, eating meat sacrificed to demons, and committing sexual immorality.
First and Second World War:
It was also the same season when the First World War and the Second World War began. During the Second World War, 6 -7 million Jews were killed,
and 70 million people who were not Jews perished in the war.
The negative human traits that derive their evil influence from this season (month of Tamuz as we move into the month of Av):
In this month of Tammuz and the month of Av, many negative genetic traits of false accusation, terror, spirit of distress, hatred, racism, human trafficking, prostitution, antisemitism, love of money, arrogance, practicing of witchcraft, pride, narcissism, envy, rebellion against the moral laws of the God of Israel, takes over the human nature, and thus;
the destructive immoral behaviors which conflict with God’s will for man become the result (evident).
What is the purpose of fasting and mourning that is done during these three weeks?
We fast so that we may be able to mourn and repent for the sins we have committed against the God of Israel, the hatred of antisemitism and terror that the nations have committed against the Jews,
the immoral behaviors and political laws that go against God’s will for humanity and earthly nature.
In this season of these three weeks (that falls in (July and goes into August) we read the book called Lamentation in the bible..