as Sarah (the Virtuous wife), she OBEYED Abraham, calling him LORD (master who is worthy of all her honor, respect, being her King who carries her worship into God’s presence on her behalf),
whose daughters youare if you do good and are not afraid with any terror.
Proverbs 31:10-31
The Virtuous Wife, who is the opposite of the attitude of Vashti;
Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband SAFELY TRUSTS her; So he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil All the days of her life. …
On the Shabbat (the 7th day of the week), the Male gender (husband, Spiritual covering over the woman), he prays Proverb 31:10-31 into his wife…
1 Corinthians 11:8
Forman is NOT from woman, but woman from man.
1 Corinthians 11:9
Nor was man created for the woman, but womanfor the man.
[So to say; the woman came out of the RIB of the man as an offering, token of obedience, coming from man (man’s plan), so that it may be presented to God via the man’s righteousness,
So it is; the woman was put into the earth by God to be a help-mate, a Virtuous female that submits to the male gender.
The male gender being the one who plays the role of being a father, male figure that molds, teaches, imparts, reveals, incarnates, does the planning, does the insemination, protects, prays, plants (inserts, injects) etc the image of God into, and via her hormones (ovaries)]
1 Corinthians 11:7
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of MAN.
Who is a Virtuous woman?;
A virtuous woman is a female whose life standard, desires, affection, sexual appearance, respect, honor, worship, expressed intmancy and interests of a such woman,
are all a reflection, obedience, and an attitude of submission, humbleness, expressed actions of a HELPING female, feminine, ovaries, and a woman that is submerged,
and also covered under the cloud (banner of Love), protection, words of wisdom, revelation, influence of the righteous male gender that fathers her soul and fashions her ovaries.
The Godly MALE gender is the one who plays the role of being the Head (Brain, pineal Gland, God’s plan), revelation, God’s insight, glory, instructions, presence, and information that guides and protects the identity of the Virtuous woman…
A virtuous woman is a female;
who Knows her peak times (Shabbatical seasons of New Moons, the 7th day, Full Moons, Passover [Omer counting], Pentecost,
the 40 days that falls in the month of Elul, the New year on the Hebrew calendar, YomKippur, Feast of Tabernacle, and Hanukkah),
when her hormone called “ESTROGEN” is produced, stimulated, generated, and vibrated during those Shabbatical, agricultural and environmental seasons.
A virtuous female is also a woman (a feminine) with the competence, or capacity (internal clock) which is synchronized, and also being able to apply obedience, humbleness, faithfulness, loyalty, ability to draw herself towards the spiritual presnce that governs her morality (good, virtuous morals) through her hormones,
So that she may attach her HORMONAL actions of affection, respect, traits of humility, honor, love, intimancy, and the acknowledgement which is contained in the way how she RESPONDS towards her head covering (husband, Godly male gender, or Spiritual covering)…
Who is an immoral woman?
An immoral woman is a female type of woman who lives her life according to the requirements, and the craving hormonal vibrations that influences her emotions,
coming from the unclean merchant (Canaanite cultured traits), sexual immorality, media of commercials, pagan tv programs, the merchandising of a material world, evil social media frequencies,
which influences the female emotions (ovaries) into the status of expressing themselves (via the chemical reactions) of anger, impatience, nagging, complaining, peer pressure, desire to possess material things, love of money etc.
She is the expressed version that exposes the craving emotional desire of pursuing after exciting moments of hapiness, party life style, comments that compliments her outer sexual beauty,
sacrificing her marriage vows, giving up of her female duty of holiness, home making, keeping of the Shabbat, Godly values, and submission, so that she may attain to her selfish interests,
the following of the pagan calendar (time table of perversion, horoscope, mothered by the goddess of immorality called EVE, Easteroth).
The wild female traits that sexually appears in a form which attracts attention with the agenda to acquire material riches, control men using her sexual outer appearance, chase after money, reflecting the reactions of hormonal imbalance etc.
She is the hormonal expressions of Schizophrenic reactions, mood swings, possessed by a spiritual husband, or demon of sexual immorality, a female who follows the vibrations, and intuitions of her career success, or the love of money..
Proverbs 22:14
The mouth of an immoral woman is a deep pit of HELL; He [the man] who is abhorred [disliked] by the Lord will fall there.
The pagan man (who does not obey God’s will for his life), such man lives to serve the interests (nagging voice) of the immoral woman…
Genesis 3:17
Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heededtheVOICE of your WIFE, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’:
“Cursed isthe ground (mother earth, female emotions) for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life.
Both THORNS and thistles it shall bring forth for you,
Matthew 13:22
Now he who received seed upon the Land, mothe land), among the THORNS is he who hears the word, and the cares (worries, complaints, nagging, selfish greed, extreme feminism, sexual immorality) of this world,
and the deceitfulness of riches (Love of money, pursuit after career, fame) choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.
In Ezra 9:9-15;
God declares to Israel to never take in marriage the Canaanite women, because they will bring forth THORNS through such female lands,
which are resistant towards the Godly type of cultivation, having hormones that are already married to the spiritual husband (incubus, succubus spirits), women who contain hormones (ovaries, emotions) which are in opposition, resentful towards God’s morality, male gender of righteousness, and obedience…