The Sun Rays (spermatozoa) of the SUN…. – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Isaiah 30:26
Moreover the light of the moon will be as the light of the SUN And the light of the SUN will be SEVENFOLD, As the light of SEVEN days,
In the day that the Lord binds up the bruise of His people And HEALS the stroke of their wound.
The Sun is the source of energy, and the main energy giver, or broadcaster…
Malachi 4:2
But to you who fear My NAME, The Sun Light (insemination) of Righteousness shall arise With HEALING in His wings; And you shall go out And grow fat like stall-fed calves.
Insemination, also known as spermatozoa, are male sex cells that carry genetic information in their indigenous progeny (category) of (Genesis, geneology, generation, father’s lineage, or eJini) material that fertilizes the enimism (female’s egg) that are contained in mother earth…
The Satellite called the SUN 🌞 spreading, and broadcasting God’s Seed (insemination):
Psalm 19:1-3:
19 The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament (sky, clouds) shows His handiwork.
2 Day unto day utters speech (scatters Seed),
And night unto night (via the Nocturnal frequencies of the Night) REVEALS knowledge
There is no speech nor language (tribe, tongue, nation, culture, indigenous group of people) Where their VOICE is not heard.
Psalm 19:4-6:
…In them He has set God’s tabernacle for the SUN, 5 Which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, And rejoices like a strong man (spermatozoa) to RUN its race.
6 Its rising [the rising of the Sun] is from one end of heaven, And its circuit to the other end; And there is nothing hidden from the HEAT (released rays, or insemination) of the Sun.
The energy which the Sun emits known as the rays of the sun, are also compared to the spermatozoa because those sun rays plays a very big role of making the living organisms,
and animism in mother earth to grow, gain their life force energy, and the father’s illumination that structures the (genetic formular, indigenous progeny), the art of igniting, recording, encoding, stimulating, putting the element of heat, and electrifying the agricultural nutrients that sustains Life.
Matthew 13:43
Then the righteous (sons, or servants of God) will SHINE forth as the SUN in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!
Genesis 1:16
Then God made two great lights: the greater light (the SUN – male) to RULE the day, and the lesser light (the MOON- Female) to rule the night.
The Moon – Female shines because of the light that it gets from the SUN (male)…
Genesis 37:9
Then he dreamed still another dream and told it to his brothers, and said, “Look, I have dreamed another dream.
And this time, the SUN (Josephe’s Father), the MOON (Josephe’s mother), and the eleven stars (his brothers) bowed down to me.”
In the generation, where God wants to reveal Himself (as the ruling Male gender that disperse His Superior, and Supreme authority, sovereignty, and governance in mother earth, in that generation there is a chosen MAN,
upon whom the covenant of the God of Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) is revealed, transmitted and distributed through the rays of the Sun,
so that the energies (spermatozoa) of the SUN may go forth to affect the Seven colonies (7 women, being the 7 continents) that are located in mother earth (each one having, or belonging to a planet in constellations).
In days of Adam, Adam was the male energies that were scattered forth via the satellite called the Sun..
In the Days of Abraham, it was Father Abraham.
In the days of Isaac it was father Isaac.
In the days of Jacob it was Father Jacov.
In the days of Joseph it was Joseph.
Joseph’s Blessing
Genesis 49:25-26:
25 Addressing Joseph directly, Jacob continued, “You received help from the God of your father, who will continue to help you in the future, because your heart remained with Him, the Almighty.
He will bless you with blessings of dew from heaven above and blessings of springs flowing from the depths that lie below,
as well as with blessings of fertile insemination (spermatozoa) for your male progeny and of wombs that do not miscarry for your female progeny.
26 The blessings that God bestowed upon me, your father, have surpassed the blessings He bestowed upon my forebears,
for He blessed me to spread out to the utmost bounds of the world’s (energies, sun rays, or airwaves) that spreads out to the hills.
May these blessings rest upon the head of Joseph, upon the head of the one who was separated from his brothers.
In days of Daniel it was father Daniel,
In days of Elijah, it was Elijah and list goes on…
Today as God is preparing His people for His soon to come time of Rapture, and there is a man (apostolic Mantle that will usher God’s people into that Grace)
Genesis 1:16
Then God made two great lights: the greater light (the SUN- Male gender) to RULE the day, and the lesser light (the MOON) to rule the night.
He made the stars also
(The Sun rays plays the role of energizing the cycle of the 12 months, twelve moons or 12 zodiac monthly signs on God’s Hebraic calendar),
which God uses via His servants to empower the SUN by making it to supply the life force (radiating energies, insemination) which impregnates our agricultural environment, and cosmos with God’s spirit, seed, word, wisdom, inspiration, mission, influence, revelation, objectives, vision and presence…
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