The seven attributes that sustains life in the earthly realm
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What are the names of the 7 attributes which are concealed in the earth?
There are seven attributes that pertain to the ecosystem which governs the laws of nature in the earthly realm,
also the 7 attributes being the soul of the of earth, or the soul containing the seven attributes that makes each community.
and these 7 attributes are as stated below:
1: Intelligence:
1: The first attribute is “Intelligence“=
intellectual power,
acquired knowledge which influences the civilization and social interaction of a place or people.
It is said; “every environment has it’s own intellectual knowledge that governs it.
That which formulates the mindset of a place, environment, or location:
That which formulates the common ideas, common discussions, common philosophical debates,
common information, common advertisement, common entertainment, common media,
finally becoming the common language and way of self expression in a society.
How does intelligence work?
People from Europe think in a western form, mindset or way.
People in acertain given location or colony having ideas, thoughts,
dreams, ability to imagine, psychological mindset,
Which pertains to the intelligence that governs their colony.
The people from America, think with a mindset of American etc.
2: Oxygen:
The second attribute is “oxygen” =
an organic system that impregnates and gives life to all living organisms (animism) through invisible hydrogen gases that contain water.
3: Energy:
The third attribute is “Energy“=
The capacity of putting the earth in action or motion through moral and immoral activities, that enables humanity to exchange.
The Moral activities leading to the producing of positive stimuli,
and immoral activities leads to the production of negative stimuli.
4: Substance:
4: The fourth attribute is “Substance“=
chemical composition in which spiritual,
and physical things are edited and imparted, so that they may take on their physical reality.
5: Expansion:
The fifth attribute is “Expansion“=
The increasing and growth of things through connection to their spiritual governance.
Everything in the earth is subject to the law of growth, growing in size,
capacity, psychological development, spiritual understanding, etc, governed by the law of elastic energy.
6: Perfect or Omer:
The sixth attribute is “Perfect“=
The capability of weighing things,
and giving them their numerical number that pertains to the omer of their existence, metrix, economical status, or numerical value,
(measurements, weighing, valuing, accountability, giving account, ephah, counting time, sefirot, tithe or tenth– economics).
7: Completion:
The seventh attribute is ” Completion“=
Being the attribute that brings all the six attributes into their spiritual,
and godly moral standard, number of rest, holiness, royalty, Sabbath, and prosperity.
These are the seven attributes that are present in the Earth.
The earthly seven attributes influenced by humans:
And via the human psychological status that is contained in one’s seven emotions,
or character that have managed to develop into positive attributes,
these seven human attributes can begin to affect and influence the earthly realm positively.
The influence that humans have over the seven attributes can go from affecting the seasonal changes,
weather, the altitude of the earthly realm (cosmic environment or ecosystem),
to the extent where human’s (moral or immoral behaviors),
can control and influence the cosmic energies, ecosystem, radiations, microwave radiations, electromagnetic fields,
Air and spiritual presence of the earth in a positive or negative way.
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