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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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The medical system stands for the 2nd month called “Iyar” on God’s hebrew callendar.
This month falls around April or May (Spring time).
The medical system representing Issachar the son of Jacob.
The medical system is the system that is responsible of taking care of the human body, healing of the body, providing medical treatments and the stretching of its procedures through the process of giving birth.
Jacob had twelve sons.
There are twelve months on the Hebrew calendar, and each month represents the spiritual abilities that are concealed in each of the 12 sons of Jacob.
Issachar was the ninth son of Jacob, Leah was the mother of Issachar as in the book Genesis 30:18. the Zodiac sign of Iyar is called Taurus.
Through this 2nd month called Iyar, which represents Issachar, God uses this month to spiritually inspire, govern and blesses the medical system,
so that the medical discoveries and researches may be able to help, to sustain and to protect the health or welfare of the human body.
This is also the month that connects the earthly realm to the energies of healing.
The restoration of the human body back to it’s hebraic system of counting called “omer counting” also occurs in the month of Iyar.
Via the process of omer counting which climaxs in this month (of Iyar-Spring time), divine health and restoration is always bestowed upon those who count the omer as it is written in 1 Chronicles 12:32.
read also Leveticus 23 verse 15 and 16.
In the western culture, this season (month of Iyar-medical system) has always been the time of selling and advertising of new pharmaceutical drugs, genetic modified products, disease mongering and the treating of diseases,
which arises due to the allergy side effects that comes with the season spring time.
Article written by Apostle Ngabo Alex.