SUNDAY, the day of the sun god; The worship of the Sun as a god committed to the day of the sun (Sun-day). – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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During the time of the Roman empire, emperor Julius Caesar transformed this Egyptian way of time counting (worship of the Sun god) into a solar calendar timetable called;
“the Julian calendar” in the year 46 BC (before Christ), which highlighted the worship, and honor of the Egyptian sun god, falling on a Sunday of every week.
SUN 🌞 DAY = The day dedicated to the honor of Sun-god:
Sun Day, the day of the Sun god was enforced by the Roman political Laws (The Council of Nicea) in 325 AD, aiming at punishing those who kept the Jewish Shabbat….
In 325 AD the Roman Emperor [known as “Constantine”] made a law that commanded and forced the Christian movement to change their day of worship from the 7th day (Hebrew, Jewish Shabbat),
which falls on a Friday Evening, and Finnishes on a Saturday Night on the Gregorian calendar), and he move it to a Sun-Day (the day dedicated to the sun god).
Julius Ceaser calendar was updated to the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII:
In the year 1582, Pope Gregory XIII of Rome (Catholic church), made some slight changes to this calendar, renamed it, and changed its name to the Gregorian calendar.
In most of the catholic cathedrals, the pictures of Jesus [Jezeus, Jee-Sus] and Mary are also depicted with a round sun disc around their heads, the disc over their heads symbolizing the supreme sun god.
Today most of the biggest part of the world (Europe, Africa, America, etc), uses the Gregorian Roman calendar as the astrological system,
which predicts their time and seasons that makeup time, the days, weeks, months, years, and the annual festival celebrations that were designed to reverence the Sun god as the supreme god (deity) in the universe.
Among the days of the week, the Egyptian Sun god called Etan was given Sun day as his day…
Daniel talks about the raising of the beast with two horns (Greece / Rome):
Daniel 7:25 says:
He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High,
And shall intend to change times (God’s Hebraic seasons, and calendar) and law (God’s commandments).
Changing them from their Hebraic concept, so that the beast may make a calendar that projects the days, months, and years as the Greco-Roman interpretation.
By Apostle Ngabo