Religiuos System – Hebrew month called “Av” – Leo – (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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The religious system – Simeon – stands for the 5th month called “Av” on God’s calendar ( Hebrew calendar).
The Hebrew month called Av falls around the month of July or August (summer time).
The hebrew month of “Av” which falls around July/August stands for the religious system.
Jacob had twelve sons, each son represents a month on the Hebrew calendar.
Simeon who was the second born of Jacob representing the month of “Av”.
The Hebrew word “Av” means: “Father“, but also this same word means;
the inherited nature (DNA, genetic traits, or characteristics) of some one’s behavior that derives from his father’s Religion, culture, custom, clan, or tradition.
The month of “AV”;
God uses the father’s attributes to attach HIS principles, morals, attributes, norms, revelation, ethical conduct,
and biblical laws via the art of oral story telling, teaching and fathering of the children that derive from one’s Loins.
Through the fathers (male gender), and depending on the emotional traits (female traits), or culture that dominated their region, and purpose of their nation,
insights, communication between man and the spiritual world; religiuos rituals were practiced, with the aim to preserve, uphold, and sustain their beliefs, forefathers inheritance, and spiritual convictions coming from one generation and extended into the next one.
Religious movements like;
Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhist came into existence…
In the month of “Av”, this is when the earthly realm is exposed to new environmental energies,
energies that are responsible for the upgrading of the ideas which pertains to the art of religion.
July or August:
This month falls around the month of July or August (summer time).
Read also the also the article called God’s religion Click her to read...
Article written by Ap Ngabo Alex for conscious lifestyle.
Article written by Ap Ngabo Alex for Council.of Ngabo (God’s Courthouse)
God’s Religion (Judaism)”… Read