Relationships in a Developing region & Community. (T C.Ngabo, God’s Court house)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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What you need to know before you can be able to achieve the right results in community Development:
Am talking about (forums, groups of people), who are working towards developmental projects, which are programed to bring a region (group of people),
From the status of poverty, negative habits, misfortune, divided groups of oppositions, and a cultured frequency of bad Omen,
A team of people that enables its region to erase the art of witchcraft (narcissistic traits, envy) from their transactions of barter exchange,
So that the victimised citizines may gain their spiritual identity, cultural skills to be able improve their life standard etc,
those relationships (forums) which can achieve such goals, must have these things written below expressed via their common language, common objectives and common goal settings etc;
1: a memorandum of agreement (understanding), pointing out the specific riskzones, hackers, blockers, negative social traits, sexual immoral behaviors that they want to change, convert, make better and improve.
2: The MOU agreement (must be) fueled, programed, taken through a theoritical and practical instructions (feasibility study), courses (cultivating of solutions, incubating of ideas), producing of services, ministerial skills and products].
3: Things must be done in a disciplined (discipled) order and formula of projects, aiming at the achievements of certain goals –
done (in segments, routine, repeated habits that cultivates a frequency) which models the project’s activities carried out in time, weeks, months, 3 months, 6 months, 7 months, 9 months 12 months etc).
And each finished segment must call for accountability, rewarding of those that worked well, discussing formulas that will improve the things which did not go well etc..
4: The agreement must be constituted by a spiritual insight (having a strategic mapline of guidance that contains the Spirit, Soul, Mindset and body) of the concept,
which is governed by the seasonal cloud of positive Omen, astrogical environment of blessings, good fortune and favor for that generation.
5: Those related groups of people who are working as a team to achieve collective goals;
(Each person) in the group must identify his/her own weaknesses, riskzones, negative Omen,
negative ancestral or cultural genetic traits, temptations, spiritual road blocks, that they need to fight against,
so that one may be able to converte and change into the status of his moral (positive) behaviors that adds Godly, cultural, economical, and financial value to one’s identity.
Some times a person may need to apply a sacrificial force (putting away, abstaining and refraing from giving time,
spending money, extracting one’s chemistry from eating inflamatory dietry that causes inflamatory diseases, avoid being in social activities that supports corrupted environments, negative social activities) etc.
6: One may also need to acquire mentorship (support that plays the role of modeling, fathering, disciplining his/her positive habits),
which will enable the person to be able to overcome, attach oneslife to the positive frequency (law of attraction/ Algorithm), or change,
so that the progress, the footsteps of success, prospect and life improvement he/she requires (as an individual, or team work) is able to take on its practical implications, shape, structure, reality and (fashion).
7: One must gain the knowledge and exposal which exposes him/her to the understanding of one’s Ephah, economical structure that formulates one’s metrix,
and the honest scales applied in the art exchange which upholds a person’s identity of honoring the balanced honest way of doing things that sustains the art of morality (Godly) and mutual barter exchange (business) in one’s life…
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