Passover 2025 April 13th to 20th April
Apostle Ngabo
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The 7 days of Passover starts
Evening of Sat, Apr 12th, – 2025 –
and finished Sun, Apr 20th, – 2025
What is God’s presence going to do this Passover?
The immoral attitude in mother earth;
which is liken unto Orpah, Jazebel, Vashti, Delilah, and the mother of Harlots sitting the dragon with seven heads,
that type of extreme feminism in mother earth is passing a way, (Passover of 2025 marks the judgement and condemnation of God’s wrath going against that type of immoral attitude in mother earth.
On the Positive side of the Coin;
There is a raising of a renewed (mother earth), the female virtuous attitude liken unto RUTH, Esther, and a proverb 31:10-31type of Female is being Crowned, promoted and elevated into its office of servitude.
Concerning the Male gender:
God is restoring the MALE authority back into its biblical formula of guiding its home, family and marriage..
The Father’s role of protecting, leading and being the Head of his home, and the female counterpart being submisive, and respectful; that Godly order is going to be restored and put back into its place in society and community…
I want you to notice that;
the Passover Sacrifice in Exodus 12:1-8;
God commanded Moses to tell every FATHER in his house (as a representative of his home, family and being responsible for his Father’s heritage),
that MAN was commanded to bring an offering, and use it as a formula of pleading the blood of protection (pleading it on the four corners of his doorpost),
so that the entrace (gate way) which opened up to Satan’s deception, seduction, and temptation, may be closed and protected by the man’s obedience, and act of pleading the blood of the Lamb.
Psalm 24:9-10:
9 Lift up your heads, O you gates (entraces of your homes)! Lift up, you everlasting DOORS!
And the King of glory shall come in.
10 Who is this King of glory?
The Lord of hosts,
He is the King of glory
Do not miss this Passover celebration!
Matthew 19:9
The first word is sexual =
Meaning to engage in the act of having SEX (or doing the science of SEX) with someone.
To sexually share, incubate, and join together the Spiritual identity of those who are being joined,
Engaging into a sexual unity that brings with it the soul ties of their psychological, physiological and Consciousness, so that the two who are having sex may relate in all those 4 levels…
Sex = is physical act that binds together two souls (male and female) into a sexual unity, where the male releases his seed, and female receives it for incubation…
But when it’s being in the body
Sivan the 3rd third month on God’s calendar.
ISAIAH 60:1-22 God’s Light shall radiant through you
Genesis 1:27-28 Be fruitful and multiply
Life is energy, and Energy is life
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