Matthew 19:9 – sexual immorality in marriage
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Apostle Ngabo
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Matthew 19:9
And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for SEXUAL IMMORALITY, and marries another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery.”
Acts 21:25
But concerning the Gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing,
except that they should keep themselves (stay a way) from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from SEXUAL IMMORALITY.”
What is sexual immorality?
The sentence “sexual immorality” is made of two words:
The first word is sexual =
Meaning to engage in the act of having SEX (or doing the science of SEX) with someone.
To sexually share, incubate, and join together the Spiritual identity of those who are being joined,
Engaging into a sexual unity that brings with it the soul ties of their psychological, physiological and Consciousness, so that the two who are having sex may relate in all those 4 levels…
The other word is “Immorality” =
The word Immorality menas;
the immoral acts which are expressed via the love of money, greed, selfishness, that has the ability to influence a person into the state of decieving others,
being dishonest, commiting crime, theft, and even choosing to get married with the agenda of getting rich,
aiming at the goals of achieving one’s selfish desires, lusts, covetousness, requests of materialism, ungodly traits, and private interets being entertained, fed and pursued after…
Immorality meaning the negative acts, evil behaviors, thoughts, ideas, fantasies, craving desires of the carnal flesh, and carnal mind that are generated from the sounds waves, frequencies, energies, spirits, or demons,
that belong to the prince of AIR (the father who influences the children of disobedience).
To have a relationship with the spirits of incubus succumbs, and the canaanite, which makes a person’s life to fail to maintain and keep a marriage.
To use the science witchcraft, and covetousness, love of money, so that one may join together two people in marriage,
which is not approved and does not have (God’s) agreement or heavenly consent.
Ephesians 2:1-2:
2 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins, 2 in which you once walked according to the course (AIR, radiating influence) of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the AIR, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience,..
When God commanded Adam not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
Satan the prince of the power of Air came to the woman, and influenced her via the frequency (sound waves, voice) that spoke unto her to do the opposite….
Sexual immorality means:
The act of getting married with someone (but sourcing one’s desire of wanting to get married from the influence of the prince of the power of the AIR).
Thoughts Ideas deriving from an Evil agenda or Evil intention:
Ideas that travel through the power of the Air – using the medium of media (news, Internet, radio waves, social media,
Ideas that are communicated into people’s mindset using ideologies of advertisement,
divination, sorcery, witchcraft, extreme feminism, staged marriages in movies with love scenes of married people having sex etc).
Sexual immorality explained further:
But also the word sexual immorality means a pre-meditated intetion of wanting to get married with the agenda of persueing after one’s selfish ambitions.
– Some people get married because they want to steal the energy of blessings from the person they are getting married to.
– Some get married because they want the status of marriage to give them access into the state of gaining a citizineship of a country,
– Some do it for the sake of gaining access to the previllages of being part of a club,
clan, tribe, religion, family business (company), country or partaking of the blessings that God has deposited into someone’s life,
– Some do intermarraiges via the agenda of getting entrance into someone’s country, religion with the aim of corrupting,
controlling, enslaving, and gaining political power and influence over the nation that they have done the intermarriage from,
– Some do it (get married) because of the love of money, wanting assets, pursuing after materialistic status, wanting children, inheritance, identity,
wanting to get rich quick using the platform of someone else’s privillages…
The type of sexual immorality which is mentioned above;
If it’s the agenda that initiated the marriage, this can cause alot of psychological challenges,
conflicts, stress, disrespect, violence, insult among the people who are in a marriage,
And this is the reason why:
The scripture give an exception, that divorce can be the solution because God did not initiate that marriage in the first place,
even though the people who got married did it in front of a priest (a pastor) in the church.
Sivan the 3rd third month on God’s calendar.
ISAIAH 60:1-22 God’s Light shall radiant through you
Genesis 1:27-28 Be fruitful and multiply
Life is energy, and Energy is life
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