Leviticus 12:4-5: quarantine (Avoid spreading infection, Get healing)- (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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What is quarantine?
Quarrantine is a method where a person is separated from others, so that you may avoid, hinder him or her from spreading contagious negative bad habits, sickness, disease etc…
To Put hindrances, and circumstances of misfortune (curfew, bad luck, sicknesses, warfares), which plays the role of revealing the need of getting prayer, repenting, seeking for help, humbling one’s self ego,
so that one may be able to overcome his or her weakenesses (evil energies in the environmemt, inherited negative traits, hormonal imbalance in the ovaries, mental disorder in the brain) that are causing death, danger, loss, confusion, accidents, floods, lack of knowledge, miscarriage, defeat, chaos, etc…
The state, season or time in one’s life when the riskzones that a person ignored to make PRECAUTIOUS measurements for,
forces a person to STOP ✋️ (imposes danger, blocks one’s movements), so that the person may get quarantined, change direction, fall into the state of lock down,
do a Teshuvah, find positive solutions that solves the misfortune that are occuring in one’s Life …
Leviticus 12:4-5: quarantine
Vayikra (Leviticus) Chapter 12
4 But if it is a white bahereth (symptoms of Leprosy) on the skin of his flesh, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin,
and its hair has not turned white, the kohen (Priest) shall QUARANTINE the [person with the] LESION (defect) for SEVEN days.
LESION is a region in an organ or tissue which has suffered damage through injury, or disease, such as a wound, leprosy, ulcer, abscess, infection, or tumour.
Leviticus 12:5-
5 And on the seventh day, the kohen (priest) shall see him.
And, behold! the LESION has remained the same in its appearance; the LESION has not spread on the skin.
So the kohen shall quarantine him for seven days a second time.
When a person unclean (suffering from leprosy, or Lesion) that person was put under the laws of quarantine, (put into a place of separation from the rest of the people),
so that he or she may go through the process of cleansing without spreading the infection to others …
To quarantine someone is to avoid the spreading of one’s corrupted attitude, infection, evil behaviors, arrogance, leaven, hindering the patient from passing over his sickness to other people who are close in his environment…
To excommunicate someone;
Liken unto how Miriam was excommunicated from the camp, after God had stricken her with Leprosy (because of her negative attitude of speaking, or gossiping against Moses,
her refusal to acknowledge, respect and giving honor to Moses’s office of Leadership, that negative attitude in her behavior ended up putting her into the state of quarantine…
Taking away someone’s previllages (to put someone out of the camp), office of public service, so that he or she may not contaminate others…
Even jails or prisons were supposed to be environments that enhances the medical attributes of quarantine, to avoid criminal contagious behaviors from spreading…
Prisoners must be able to access organizational support, and aid that gives them the knowledge and biblical, moral, and juridical information that energizes the conscious and awareness of the prisoner,
So that he may attain the mental capacity, understadning, and emotional and mental healing remeedy required for his mental, psychological, and physical health…
In environement where education, enlightenment of the mindset, academic platforms, social media groups that aims at developing it’s members,
the usage of certain developmental techniques, working on surfacing of someone’s innerbilities inform of skills, talents, gaining of knowledge etc.
Such environments are also provided with stand by quarantine (antivirus, rules and regulations) methods and technology),
which helps the members who are under going organic cultivation, incubation,
by making a quarantine system that (puts up rules, regulates, puts in order a sett of disciplinary formulars, condemns, and punishes) group settings that can negatively influence the members into the status of becoming criminals.
– Protecting members from fellowshiping with corrupted environments, enabling them to overcome the temptations, and harmful environments, the SPIRIT of FOOLISHNESS,
that can lead to the spreading of a plague, curses, infection, criminal traits, fornication, sexual immorality, intermarriage, corruption or sickness.
Such antivirus methods includes;
– Holding of a “Protocol” in meetings that enhances the ethical conduct of unity, mutual exchange, respecting of the order of leadership, the keeping of the rules of an organization etc.
– Putting emphasis on the attainment, having in possession, and expressing the attributes of honesty scales, intergrity, authenticity, being a trustee via one’s behaviors,
– Military defence, police, security, army, law and order which sabdues the extreme arrogance (pride), criminal habits, corruption, violent traits, hate speech, racism, antisemitism, terror, propagated conspiracy against tribalism) which intends disrupt the moral order of an organization.
– Regulations that governs the policies of peace, mutual respect, maintainance done to execute justice, uphold the moral structure of a society, community or group…
– Being equipped with an antivirus that protects its members from the corrupted parasites (bacterias) of individualism, and selfish ego,
that pursues after the private interests (love of money, the corruption of arrogance, pride, spirit of foolishness etc),
which seeks to harm others as it passionately runs after its own success (career, desire to be famous, personal gain, or personal interests).
– Quarantine methods which are designed to hinder such negative activities from defiling the organizational bond of unity and brotherhood…
– Enabling the collective goals, and objective of the organization to be able to progress, and sustain its moral values, authenticity, honest scales practiced via the art of exchange, numerical value (metrix),
by passing down its systematic order, Godly morals, and positive cultural norms as a legacy, inheritance, heritage, resources, and wealth into its next generation.
Article written by Aposttle Ngabo for the (Council of Ngabo God’s Courthouse)