Adar is the 12th month on God’s calendar (Mindset Media)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Adar = 12th month on God’s calendar:
The 12th month on the Hebrew (God’s) calendar is called “Adar”. The meaning of the word Adar: The word Adar is cognate to the Hebrew word “adir”, meaning “strength”.
The month in which Purim festival found in the book of Esther is celebrated.
The word Adar also means to make a double emphasis, because Adar has Adar 1,
and in the time of a leap year on the Hebrew calendar, it also has an Adar 2.
Adar is the month of good fortune for the Jewish, and Hebrew people, good fortune which comes via the receiving of God’s education or teachings.
Adar = the completion of the journey in the constellations that makes up the 12 zodiac signs, and Adar (the twelveth month on the Hebrew calendar) becomes the point in time when mother earth reaches the vernal, Spring equinox.
“Adar” means “exalted”, “praised”, “power”, and “strength”.
where it says: “the Lord is (Adir) mighty on High”.
Zodiac sign of Adar:
The zodiac sign of this month is called “Pisces“.
This opinion states that just as we decrease our joy because we are separated from the Shekinah (God’s presence) in the month of Av,
so too in Adar, we rejoice because the whole month is a time when the Shekina (God’s presence) is close to us.
When God commanded Moses to construct the tabernacle,
He made the following request: make for Me a small chamber (called Mishkan in Hebrew) so that I may live (dwell in your midst).
1 Corinthians 6:19 says;
do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
Moses was born in Adar according to God’s Hebrew calendar:
Moses the man whom Hasham (God) used to write the five books (Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus & Deuteronomy), and also taught them to the world, was born was during this month called Adar.
Adar is a month of learning:
It is said that the word “v’edor” (“and I will dwell” in Hebrew) is related to the word “adar” –
the very name of this month implies that it is a time when the Shekinah (God’s presence which educates the human conscious) dwells among us -“v’edor beineichem”.
Adar is the month of learning and submitting to God’s presence.
“Adar” stands for “Educational system”.
Another opinion states that the word “Adar” means “beauty”, as in the beauty of the season contained in Adar, beginning of Spring.
This month of Adar falls around February or March.
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