February to April – is a Time frame of Making the impossible, POSSIBLE!… – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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From the time frame when the celebration of valentine’s day is kept on the Roman Gregorian (Catholic calendar),
which falls around February,
Until the time when the Hebrew (Jewish) PASSOVER is celebrated in March / April;
– That is a time frame when the agricultural energies in mother earth which makes the animals to come together for “MATING” envelopes our earthly environment.
– This also being the season of SPRING when the desires of sexual attraction, sensual (fleshly) feelings, and the chemistry that draws people into the temptations of betraying their Godly love, Godly covenant, marriage relationships etc, takes place during this season.
This season being a time frame of bringing the temptations of seduction (goddess Easter, Ashtoreth, Ishtar), materialistic greed and (love) of money,
and also bringing with it the energies that stimulates the human desires (lust) for sexual uncontrollable, and unrestrained pleasures to increase,
so that those who are victimized may SIN against, and betray their Godly vows, cultural inheritance, and moral responsibilities.
Did you know that around this time (Febraury to March, or April) –
was the time when Pharoah’s heart (the king of Egypt) was hardened, and he refused to obey God’s instructions which demanded him to let God’s people go?
Did you that during February /April was the season when Egypt was punished by God’s wrath through then 10 [ten] plagues?
Do you know that during this season of Spring Time, almost all the disciples of Yeshua the Messiah deserted, and forsook Him, and also one of them (Judas Iscariot) betrayed Him?
Did you that the city of Sodom and Gommarah wanted to rape God’s Angels by doing the shameful acts of homosexuality against them during this season (March/ April)?
Did you that this was the season; which occurs in the month of Nisan on God’s calendar, (falling in March /April),
when the woman ate from the forbidden tree, and she also brought to her husband and they together ate?
This is the reason why we celebrate and keep the biblical Hebrew season called “Passover”,
so that humanity may overcome the temptations that stimulates pride, arrogance, unforgiveness, hate, spirit of foolishness,
and the foolishness that makes people to exhibit the attitude of competing with those they dislike…
1 Corinthians 5:8:
8 Therefore let us keep the feast [of PASSOVER], not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice, wickedness, unforgiveness, and gossip,
but keep the PASSOVER feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity, truth, honesty, trustworthy, and God’s love.
This is also the season when we as humans in mother earth gets an opportunity to convert our leaven (negative) attitude, bitterness, unforgiveness, animalistic nature in our flesh etc,
so that one may transform it into the status of becoming unleavened, humble, willing to listen, and obey God’s commandments coming from one’s spiritual covering…
God’s Seasons of Blessings!
January, February, March, April – Hebrew month = Shevat – Nisan, parshah..