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Political & Medical system:
What is the meaning of the word “dispensation?
Dispensation means exemptione or to be released from a rule or usual requirement.
a political, religious, or social system prevailing at a particular time.
Dispensation being;
The end of a regime, (this regime could be spiritual, traditional, religious or political) type of regime that is ending.
And during that time when one regime is ending a new one is starting.
Dispensation could also be a space of time (grace) given to a person due to the immaturity of his physical state,
But as he or she is growing up via the truth which is being taught and exposed to his genetic or ovary,
That dispensation time can expire,
and after it has expired, then this person is required to live according to the new rules of the new dispensation.
“although she was too young, she was given special dispensation to play before her birthday”
God’s Dispensations:
1:- Innocence –
Adam under probation prior to the Fall. ..
2: -Conscience –
From the Fall to the Great Flood of Noah.
3:- Human Government –
After the Great Flood, humanity is responsible to multiply into different cultures,traditions, customs etc
4:- Abraham’s promise –
From Abraham to Moses. And Moses’s constitutional structure started 50 day s (on mount Sinai)after the their departure from Egypt
5:- Law –
From Moses to the crucifixion of Yeshua the Messiah.
6:- Greek phylosophy & the Roman rule –
The Greeks and the Romans era through which the distraction of the temple occured,
And their phylosophical influence also led to the discovery of the name of Jesus.
7:- Martin Luther’s –
The Protestant time of protest against the Catholic Church.
8:- William J. Seymour, –
The Azuza street revival which birthed forth the Pentecostal movement, gifts of the spirit back into the church
9:- The Hebrew Yeshua –
The Messianic era which took place in the 2012, restoration of the Hebrew Yeshua & His Hebraic identity…
11:- Africa liberated –
The completion of the 400 years of slavery which commenced in 2019
12:- Racism expires –
Year 2020 marks the end of the era of white supremecy, colonialism, and the presidential rule of white pride.
13:- Year 2020 to 2024 –
This is a time of preparation, transition, testing, temptation (wilderness experience), changing the genetic sequence, habits
& the transformation of the woman’s ovary back into it’s original status.
The total destruction of the woman sitting the dragon with 7 heads,
and the building, structuring and fashioning of God fearing, commandment keeping and moral marraiges, homes,
families, communities and positive social activities will occur during this period of 2020 to 2024.
14:- Year 2024 dispensation –
God’s kingdom and His righteous servants have fully prevailed,
And the gospel teachings of the God of Israel are now pointing & leading the bride to the Bride groom,
and also adorning & prepairing her for God’s rapture.
exception Roman
a let-off
Hebrew month – Nisan – Sivan
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