Common language – What does it mean
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Common language is a type of phrases used in speech, and expressions used via speech, Utelized with the agenda to define certain terminologies in wording of sentences or speech.
Words or sentences that are commonly spoken in a community, on the streets,
via media that leads to a common way of thinking, having common ideas, common fashion, and a common way of socialising.
Formulating an algorithm that attracts a certain type of spoken words (lanuguage) that pertains to ecosystem of a person cultured traits.
On spiritual level:
A Spiritual Awakening and Economic Resurgence* In the realm of spiritual revelation and prophetic insights.
There are moments when a collective message emerges, assisting the people to speak a common language which is transcending borders, and surpassing the colonial culture of the white man which tries to block Africa from progressing.
This spiritual a wakening is stirring up hearts and minds among the different groups (cultures, tribes, clans) in Africa,
enabling the different groups of people who are in place that was once divided via the white man’s politics, to have a common language on how they define their limitations, process of change, and also these same people being united on how they describe their progress and plan that leads them to their success…
There are words or sentences that describes certain events, or meanings which roots from a God’s prophetic formula of formulating words,
Being the art through which words are incarnated, formulated, chanted, or declared via prayer,
that practiced art of praying starts to bring the vibrating theme of God’s intetions from the spiritual realm, releasing it into the realm of (AIR) frequency, energy, radiation, microwave, radio wave, sound waves etc.
Take up an oracle:
He who takes up an oracle speaks what he sees and hears in the spirit (from the God of spirits),
And as he speaks, what he frequently prophecies transforms into a frequency,
or radiating energy that influences the common language of a society or community.
On psychological level:
As these words come from their spiritual existence, and begin to fill the AIR (radiating frequencies) that is present in mother earth,
They begin to affect the human (brain, and female ovaries), causing dreams, desires, imaginations, thoughts, ideas, longing for, aspirations, fantasies to occur in people’s lives.
If the words derive from the negative realm of witchcraft, then a negative type of Common language begins to influence the sound waves that inspires our art of doing music,
radio broadcast, television, social media etc to vibrate on a negative frequency.
But the opposite is also true;
Words spoken via Prayers, love, positive utterences, music, good news of gospel preaching, expressed via the positive attributes,
these words also generates positive energies that influences a positive type of Common language…
A Common language is a phrasing of words that is commonly spoken by different people,
Words containing common encoded messages, that leads to the state of people working in harmony as a team,
that can lead to the attribute of trusting each other, and agreeing towards the same common and collective goals.
God’s Message made into a common language with the aim to save people from God’s judgement:
When heaven wants a person to do something that is very important, or spare someone from death, judgement, God’s wrath, destruction etc,
the message (messengers, the Malech [angels] who are carrying God’s information) are given a heavenly verdict to turn their messages into a Common language.
The heavenly information is made available and common, to the extent that;
the ecosystem, the environmental radiating energies, frequencies, the universal language of the cosmos (Universe, stars, planets, time), the prophetic information of God’s truth, the dream realm (dreams that people get at night),
mother nature, weather, seasons, climate, the news, television, radio programs etc, will all be (speaking), telling a story that unveils the God’s information, or message, making it common,
so that it may give warning, save, instruct, and make humanity repent, turn a way from evil, and also return back to the God of Israel .
6th sixth month Elul, August, September, fasting 40 days, Tishrei, Tishrei, Passover, Nissan, Adam Eden.
God’s Intimacy or being intimate with God
The 7 attributes that are in the earth
Life is energy, and Energy is life
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