A man falls in Love with a woman, so that the woman may fall in Love with God… – (Mindset Media News!)
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Apostle Ngabo
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Apostle Ngabo
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Our human desires (man’s responsibility, and accountability) is to make children, to have a family, and wife as a helpmate,
and to also pass on God’s inheritance (blessing, culture, DNA, commandments, moral values) to his children’s children…
Proverbs 13:22
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.
And this same desire (driving force of responsibilit) Makes a man to FALL in LOVE with a woman, liken on to how a seed falls in the ground (Land) before it brings forth fruit.
But it takes a man who is in love with God’s will (obedient to God’s purpose for his life) to raise up his marriage from its fallen status of love,
so that it may transcend [ascend] and reach out for it’s Godly purpose (heavenly truth),
which reflects God’s marriage (constituted institution of heaven) in mother earth.
When you sow a seed in mother earth, that seed descends in the deepth [lowest inner parts, ovaries] of the ground, and from there it rots and dies…
After its death, a new crop starts to raise from a dead seed to transcend (exceed, go beyond the limitations) of mother earth,
with the aim of reaching out for the Light of the Sun, and atmospheric energies of its environment…
A man’s love for a woman makes him to descend (go down),
But the Love of God in man makes both, the man and woman to ascend (transcending, raising up above their limitations of earthly cravings and emotional weakenesses).
When you descend (fall in love with your wife), do not forget to ascend (keeping your focus towards God’s Love, truth and Light that comes from above).
Because when you go down (fall in love),
make sure that the love you have fallen in is an investment that will bring you back up again…
writen by Apostle Ngabo